Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today's one of the most dumbest days of my life.

Firstly, I broke a glass.
As in usually I will push the glass towards the center of the table,
somehow, today I thought, the oh-so-careful me would not have any mishaps.
Then, my computer chair spinned, my arm hit the glass and down it went.
Shattering into a million individual pieces.

Next, I was changing my clothes for school.
I was supposed to throw the used clothes into the laundry basket for washing.
Yeah, I threw everything except my underwear.
My brain somehow couldn't processed my actions,
in the end, it ended up in the toliet bowl.

As you can see,
I am a very clever person.
So, next time please remember to remind me that I am holding onto your stuff,
if there is a next time that is.

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