Thursday, January 29, 2009


tagged by Alson :)

1: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
anywhere, as long as it's the right person's lips!!

2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning?

3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?

4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
not really, unless you count sloughing for money spoiled.

5: Would you ever donate blood?
i'm afraid of needles!!!!

6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yeah, he's my boyfriend now.

7: Do you want someone dead?
many times i wanted to kill myself.

8:What does your last text message say?
Kat: Haha. Anything man. You finished already? Marcus kept calling me just now when i was sleeping!

9:What are you thinking of right now?
Happiness to overwhelm me.

10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?

11: What time did you go to sleep last night?
3am this morning!!!!!!!!!!!

12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now ?

13: Is someone on your mind right now?
All the time.

14: Who was the last person to text you?

1. Kat
2. Joey
3. Joycelyn
4. Royston Teoh
5. Erina
6. Suzanne
7. Serene Lim
8. Kaiwen
9. Janna M
10. GOD

15: Who is 2 having a relationship with?

16: Is 3 a male or a female?
Female! Super hot one too.

17: If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing?

18: What is Number 1 studying about?

19: When was the last time you had a chat with them?
It's been awhile for some, none for some, just for some.

20: Is Number 4 single?
BIMBO, are you single????

21: Say something about Number 2.
She's kinda small with BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG hair.

22: What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together?
hahaha. that would be funky!

23: Describe Number 9.
Once a Phat Mama, always a Phat Mama.

24: What will you do if Number 6 and 7 fight?
i grab some popcorn to watch! LOL.

25: Do you like Number 8?
I'm in love with him.


okay i would like to start this post on a lighter note.

knew this girl back in 2007,
we were in the same class during Year 1.
we somehow got stuck to each other most of the time,
and we enjoy venturing to ITAS to eat our YONGTAUFOO and DESIGN SCHOOL to eat MALAY FOOD!!!!
yeah, i missed those times, where we were so anti-social,
living in our two persons world.
but i'm really glad that i met her!
had so much fun during projects, hanging out, making fun of her and STRIPES from eons ago.
those were the days man.
though we don't talk much now,
and we hardly even hangout anymore,
i'm really glad that i have a friend like you!!
i miss you tonnes, ditch your music instrument sometime to hang out with meeeee~

P.S I still have the photo of your face close-up in my phone, it is 1/8 of my background picture!

have you actually wondered whether people notice the minor details?
the softness of your elbows?
the mole behind your ear?
girls if you managed to find a guy like that he's definitely a keeper.
attentiveness is a bonus n your personality,
taking note of small things and caring for them,
makes someone feel like they have been cared for.

okay i'm kinda distracted.
my lil' cousin, is shouting "Lame showx2!" to the Okto! Channel which she was watching.

anyway, i just haven't been feeling good these couple of days.
i hate this longing part.
why must God make us have such heart-wrenching feelings of desiring for something?
sometimes i realy don't understand.
kaiwen has been feeling frustrated about the constant disappointment from God.
he's been telling me how He doesn't answers his prayers, needs and He doesn't give him the opportunities he wanted.
i've been saying that better things will come his way, cos gin always says, when God doesn't gve you something, means that he has better things in store for you.

okay, i believed it, do not believe it, question it.

we will know this sat won't we?
i really hope he gets his prayers answered.
spark a new revelation in him,
give him opportunities to shine.
i know he has been working hard(i am not being effing bias, i saw it happen when i was lazy.),
just wished some good things in dance will happen to him.
been put down in dance,
hurt by dance,
frustrated by dance,
i just really hope something good will happen to him.
and he doesn't want me to pray for him.
God please make your presence known to him.
and also to reassure my wavering faith.

turning 19 in a few weeks time.
i just have a desire to disappear cos i bet no one will remember.
i should start psychoing myself now about my premonition of it.
i just wish that things will be better for me this year.
good things.
happy things.
i had enough of 2008,
those who knew what happened will know it is quite bad.
please please please GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE INBOX ONLY!

for some people,
don't just think you are the only person with esteem issues,
people who appear strong can also have them,
instead they build a wall around them to protect their delicate ego.
so stop thinking that you are the only one suffering from it,
complaining and whining that you are not good enough is not going to help.
oh best of all, still can bitch about other people.
next time just think before you speak,
cos at times the words you use will show others the kind of person you are.

tonight i shall stop thinking and just friggin' sleep like a log.
hopefully,no dreams, NA-DAH!
i just want some peace.

by the way, thank you pangyang for talking to me last night,
even though you're irritating as hell,
you're still quite a nice guy on msn.
for you i shall say, GO FATTY SHEEP!

kat invited me to her place for dinner tonight.
sounds fun for a change!
but she's not texting me!!
hello kat!!! are you in wonderland???


why do i have to try so hard?

so i wasn't invited to suyin's place.
i was wondering so weird why this cny there was no early invite.
now i know.
i am out of the league,
their league.
so is this how we roll after 4 friggin years.
ahhh whatever.
someone has to be outcasted sometimes.
i'm tired.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

thank you for making me cry.
my heart hurts on that same path home.
tired mentally and physically.
you know my issues about stuff like this,
but things still end up the same way.
people may say i'm a party pooper,
i don't care,
cos i have my reasons.
and you know them,

don't know how is this gonna work out.
i shall wait for your call,
which mayor may not come.
i won't know,
until tomorrow falls.

sorry for not talking much,
i would rather save all thoseshit for myself to fight with internally.
i know your internet's down,
if anyone reads this and is kind-hearted enough,
as him to call.

Monday, January 26, 2009

to you who thinks its okay to not talk.
i guess i shouldn't care about it so much already.
since this is what you want.
i'm going to follow suit.
don't expect me to take the initiative already.
i always thought communication is important.
but it just doesn't matter anymore.

ignore this post alright.

year of the ox

hello world once again.
this is my first post in the year of the ox.

sometimes i really feel embarassed for not knowing my roots.
every chinese new year,
we often know which celestial animal of that particular year is,
but usually i will not know, until i hear someone talk about it.
ask me to tell you the story of the animals,
i'll just say,
rat was first,
cat didn't make it cos it was dumb.
i have no clue what are the sequence of the animals are.
i guess such things don't usually piqued ny interest.
but somehow i still feel ashame for not knowing.

had reunion dinner at grandma's place just now.
i really missed her badly!!
haven't seen her in a year and it pains me to see her using a support to walk now.
i remembered she used to be so healthy when she looked after me.
picking me up from the bus-stop after school,
bringing me to have walks in the park,
playing her favourite ball game,
and it goes on and on.
the once familiar smell still lingers in her flat.
everytime i visit,
it just brings back memories of my childhood.
to see her so old and wrinkled now,
gives me a sense of heartache and servitude.
i guess i really love my ahma tonnes!

had some pretty weird conversations today with mum and grandma on seperate occasions.

Mum: What is your boyfriend's name?
Me: Kaiwen.
Mum: Oh, no Christian name ah?
Me: Well, you can say his name in an english tone "kyle-wenggggggggg" (ask me for more info, lol.)

Few hours later in the lift to grandma's place.

Mum: What is your boyfriend's name again?
Me: KAIWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mum: Your sister say, he always call daddy and I but never say "Hi" to her.
Me: *turns to sister* Okay, 'll tell him that, but I think from then on, he will ensure that you are acknowledge in the weirdest way possible.

Leaving grandma's place.

Grandma: Next time, bring your boyfriend here so I can take a look at him okay?
Me: *startled and surprised that she knows and starts smiling like an idiot* OK :)

that's all for my little update on the year of the ox!


Friday, January 23, 2009

KL Trip Update

Okay the long awaited KL trip post!!!

Day 1:
I'm in KL already.
Been shopping, spent quite a bit on a pair of Akademic jeans and high waisted shorts.

Things I wanna get when I'm here(red means bought):

1. Strappy sandals that can match everything.
2. Buckle belt (for dresses)
3. Normal belt --> saw one which boyfriend bought
4. Nice/My style tops
5. Boots
6. Dresses
7. White kicks (Not Kevin's)
8. Bags (going out kind)
9. Booties

You know when I was in Japan, I talked about how clueless Meichin was?
Here in KL, it feels like there's 2 Meichin(s) beside me.
Boys will be boys.
They left me in the hotel room to get stuff from the convenience store and they are not back yet.
Perhaps I should sleep first.
Night all.
Day 1:

On our way there.

Exploring KL on the 1st day.

We met Nelson!!! :D


Day 1 buys

In the hotel!

Brushing my teeth :)

Kevin looks like a mermaid.

sorry, i only managed to blog on Day 1,
as I was too tired the rest of the days.
as you can see from the pictures,
my skin condition was not very good due to the weather and amount of dust there.
i was suffering pretty badly, cos it hurt like hell!!
anyway, enjoy the pictures!

Day 2:


On the streets

My bodyguards behind.

Reggae bar anyone?

Petaling Street

Flower shop!

Drink lady #1

Drink dude #2

Petaling Street!

Kenny Rogers - Baby's treat :D

"I wish Sam will pay up on her own so that I can buy more stuff!"

Mine :D



Berjaya Times Square

Rows and rows of...


Checking out merchandise.

Day 2 buys

Day 3:

On the streets

At Outback Steakhouse

"I see the light through the valley of darkness..."


Day 4:

On the way home :)


i am getting tired.
lies, hopes and secrets.
don't leave me hanging.