Monday, January 26, 2009

year of the ox

hello world once again.
this is my first post in the year of the ox.

sometimes i really feel embarassed for not knowing my roots.
every chinese new year,
we often know which celestial animal of that particular year is,
but usually i will not know, until i hear someone talk about it.
ask me to tell you the story of the animals,
i'll just say,
rat was first,
cat didn't make it cos it was dumb.
i have no clue what are the sequence of the animals are.
i guess such things don't usually piqued ny interest.
but somehow i still feel ashame for not knowing.

had reunion dinner at grandma's place just now.
i really missed her badly!!
haven't seen her in a year and it pains me to see her using a support to walk now.
i remembered she used to be so healthy when she looked after me.
picking me up from the bus-stop after school,
bringing me to have walks in the park,
playing her favourite ball game,
and it goes on and on.
the once familiar smell still lingers in her flat.
everytime i visit,
it just brings back memories of my childhood.
to see her so old and wrinkled now,
gives me a sense of heartache and servitude.
i guess i really love my ahma tonnes!

had some pretty weird conversations today with mum and grandma on seperate occasions.

Mum: What is your boyfriend's name?
Me: Kaiwen.
Mum: Oh, no Christian name ah?
Me: Well, you can say his name in an english tone "kyle-wenggggggggg" (ask me for more info, lol.)

Few hours later in the lift to grandma's place.

Mum: What is your boyfriend's name again?
Me: KAIWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mum: Your sister say, he always call daddy and I but never say "Hi" to her.
Me: *turns to sister* Okay, 'll tell him that, but I think from then on, he will ensure that you are acknowledge in the weirdest way possible.

Leaving grandma's place.

Grandma: Next time, bring your boyfriend here so I can take a look at him okay?
Me: *startled and surprised that she knows and starts smiling like an idiot* OK :)

that's all for my little update on the year of the ox!


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