Sunday, December 16, 2007

Went to O School yesterday.
I was pretty bored initially, so i started help Jas out at O Cafe.
Pretty soon, when the customers died down, so did my enthusiasm.
So I went to disturb Gin who was happily viewing videos on Youtube.
My bad she made me show her the dancehall choreography I did for MJC.
I could not remember the whole thing, I only managed to remember the slapping move.
Pretty soon we started sessioning in the orange studio.
It was hell fun.
She taught and told me more about dancehall and we started doing moves we saw on Youtube.
Example like the head stand plus butt shake move.
Heh, we had fun, it looked pretty funny and we were laughing like mad inside the studio.
Soon, Razmy came back from Funan and we asked him to do it too.
HE CAN DO YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
Lol. So we sessioned for awhile more before heading down to Code Edge Dance Battle at Zouk.
Eh, it was alright, Zaihar was hitting the beats that night and there were tonnes of hot babes.
I was screaming like crazy for Joey when she did the popping segment with Michael.
Wow, you should have seen her, can tell she was really enjoying it.
Anyway, i'll be away for the 18th and 19th, dance camp.
So see you guys after that!!! :D

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