Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just some updates.

A month ago, I visited a neighbourhood family doctor regarding some period issues, I have super bad cramps which require me to rest the entire day at home, other symptoms include body/muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea and cold sweat, similar to food poisoning. On certain days, when I dance excessively, or that particular dance is very energetic, I tend to get cramps and spotting (eh fyi for male readers, it's a very light blood discharge).

This made it very uncomfortable for me as it was pretty disruptive. I remembered last time during my internship, it got so bad every month I had to take a day or two off. What's worst is that my supervisor didn't believe me! She told my other colleagues "Got so bad meh? It's so exaggerating..."

So back to the family doctor, the doctor prescribed Yaz, a birth control pill, and I was told to take it when my period first started. I previously have pretty regular periods. So i started on 8 Oct and I was pretty impressed with the results as I didn't experience any cramps at all! So I continued to religiously consume it. However, after the normal 7 days of period, I realised I was still having my period! It lasted for whole month of Oct, sometimes regular flow, other times are light spotting.

I got a little bit worried when I finished my course of Yaz and I proceeded to see a doctor at the Polyclinic. The doctor was quite worried when I told her my symptoms and I had to take a test which turned out negative and she proceeded to prescribed me Norethisterone - a kind of hormone called progesterone. She said there were no side effects to this pill, I asked because I was afraid to put on weight.

I began consuming this on Wed, all went well until Fri. I had a little argument with Kaiwen and I have never in my life felt so angry before. It was over a very minor issue and I didn't know why I had to blow up like that, be this angry and doing/saying all those stupid things which I can't remember what I said now. All I knew was rage, in my head, in my body, I just feel like hurting something. It doesn't matter if it was me or someone else. Now thinking back, I remember being very anxious, I wasn't thinking with my head, I was constantly shivering with anger and my body was shaking like crazy. I was crazy, in fact. I couldn't see straight and was hitting myself, until he stopped me and I broke down. I couldn't control my emotions, cried easily and I felt so down that I didn't wanna live anymore. Normally, I wouldn't feel this way, for eg. if Gin scolded me, I will be able to take it, but that day I just started crying when I didn't wanna cry. It's like crying for no reason. I was crying almost everyday before that day and I haven't cried in a LOOOOOONG time.

When things got a little better, after that crazy stint, he asked me not to take those pills anymore. I went home and researched about Norethistherone and I saw many side effects that shocked me more than a little.

Taken from (bold to show what I've experienced)

Hormonal Side Effects
  1. The most common norethisterone side effects, experienced by fewer than one in 10 women, include breakthrough bleeding, breast tenderness, changes in sex drive, excessive hair growth, fluid retention and bloating and hair loss.
  2. Additional Side Effects

  3. Additional common side effects include depressed mood, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia and nausea, rash and itching, and weight gain.
  4. Blood Clots

  5. Progesterone is associated with a slightly-increased risk of blood clots when included with estrogen in oral contraceptives. Progesterone alone may also increase this risk. The risk of blood clots can be increased when people are immobile for long periods of time, such as during bed rest after surgery.
  6. Diabetic Concerns

  7. Norethisterone can increase blood sugar levels, and should be taken cautiously by women with diabetes.
  8. Liver Problems

  9. Rarely, norethisterone is associated with liver problems. Signs are nausea and vomiting, fatigue, dark urine and jaundice.

Luckily, I was due for an appointment at KKH and I feedback to the doctor serving me, she asked me to stop that medication and to wait for my period to come (currently still waiting). I was asked to do a PAP Smear and Ultrasound, which I have no idea for what, I didn't asked cos I was stoned from the pain in my head and the doctor didn't tell me. My next appointment will be in Jan, before I know my results.

Moral of story? See a specialist if you have a specific problem, don't mess with your hormones and stick with friends who understand and support you! Thank you Beibei, Iris and Ah Lee, for understanding.

So now I am off the stupid hormone pill and feeling tad better! I don't feel like dying (lol) or crying though the faigue is still there. Nevertheless, I better start looking after my health now!

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