Monday, February 13, 2012

Romance in the air...

So tomorrow's Valentine's Day, other than smart marketing campaigns and what not, how are you spending it with?
This year I kinda expected a pretty solemn affair.
Just me and my single ladies, attending open classes and having dinner! That will probably be good enough for me!

Somehow, this year, I managed to score a date! Haha.
I guess you can say I am a little bit excited.
It's like breath of fresh air for me.
So other than dates and spending money on gifts and such,
Have you reflected what you did for your loved ones?
What is your most romantic experience?
What was the most romantic thing that you did?

For me, my most romantic experience happened in the most unexpected situation.
I don't know if the other party felt it.
But I felt the romance, passion and love. :)
It happened about 2-3years ago?
I was looking after a sick boy on a vacation and he was sleeping beside me, sniffing, coughing and all.
I help feed him his medication and other herbal teas etc.
When we were sleeping, he rolled over and hugged me from behind and said:
"Thank you for looking after me, I love you."
And kissed me.
That was probably one of the best things that happened to us. :)

As for me, even though I am a very practical and realistic person.
I am
A sucker for romance.
Tell me which girl isn't!
I think I played a fair bit as the part of being a good girlfriend.
So I really have no regrets!

Well they say that when one relationship ends, it's an opening for a better and more stable one.
I didn't regret anything apart from how I could have given him more space. But still it's a good learning journey! :)

Okay, I am kinda excited for my early date tomorrow!
Gonna rest early!
Goodnight folks! :)

~love is in the air.

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