Monday, October 06, 2008

japan here i come.. someone say OSAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey world, yeah that's right,
i'll be leaving for my favourite place in the world (cos, it was the furthest that i went) soon!!
samansarii is a happy girl.
i cannot wait to do shopping, eating, making new friends and of cos dance there!
i have been excited about the trip during the initial stages,
however as the day finally comes,
it kinda died down.
i don't know why.
perhaps it's cos of all the stuff going back on at home?
but i really just want to get away from here,
give myself a break from this emotional torture and enjoy life a bit.
God has been good,
providing me with everything that he can,
I have been so grateful with his gifts.
Anyway, back to the japan trip,
if you guys want anything please tell me.
Send me a text before my flight!
Or you can just accompany me to the airport.

things to do in japan.
eat loads of good food,
shop till i drop; especially quirky stuff,
visit the dance studios and take classes,
get a japanese boyfriend. HAHAHA.

i cannot wait to start my crazy fun days in japan with chin,
i think we'll go mad there together,
or at least i'll make her go for an adventure there with me.

speaking of which,
i realised people are so judgemental.
they see, they assume, they judge.
what's wrong with them?
i really don't get them sometimes,
why waste so much time judging people when you can do other things?
is it so fun to go right down to the nitty gritty details of someone else whom you are not even close to?
i mean if you have doubts of someone, just ask that person.
not only will things be clarified easier and faster,
no feelings will be hurt.
you know what, people can say things for all i care,
cos i know the truth,
and people who understands me and know of it will know the truth too.

i'm gonna miss my babies in HH3 and reggae,
my lovely friends,
my dad,
and my bed bad.
okay i better catch some sleep.
see you guys in a week's time!!

sleeping our way to jurong's City Harvest Church


and the couple.

hello, welcome to malaysia, oops i mean jurong!

auntie meichin and her grapes

auntie and uncle for the day

what's up, donut?

for people who will miss me. ahahahha

we are like super duper happy!


i was singing!

bird god and i, the little boy version

sexy joyce and i



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