Sunday, March 22, 2009

Relationship Blues

Unlikely time to be blogging, supposingly to call back kat at like 1pm, but i had a fever, inflammed throat and was coughing. So i fell asleep on the couch from 2pm till like 5.45pm. amazing. (by the way, kat just called, she just woke up. -.-)

Why am i blogging now?

I heard screams coming from the floors below my flat (yes they were that loud). being a typical Singaporean, I decided to eavesdrop and I kinda got a hang of what it was about. Initially, i thought it was some girl throwing a tantrum at home, blah blah blah, or perhaps the family, that owed loansharks money, living on the 10th floor of my flat were fighting.

Wrong. All wrong.

It's just a simple maritial dispute, kinda sad somehow when i heard the extremely loud conversation. The girl was yelling very exasperatedly "Do you even know what food I like? Do you even know what I like? You don't!" and she exploded in tears that sound so painful. I listened and started to feel a sense of heartache.

It's scary when you don't have the right partner, or maybe the partner you once thought was perfect for you, isn't. It's like getting pregnant and aborting the child. Then, you'll end up alone and lost. Somehow this thought made me afraid of marriage, now i know why people get coldfeet before they are bethrothed to each other. The questions running through your head will usually result in this, "What if he's not the right one?"; "What if I am not really in love with him?"; "What if he doesn't love me?"; "What if we result in a divorce?"; "What if...?" Many what if(s) will plague your mind in that moment and then for the brave they decide to try it out, for the chicken-hearted, they take the boot.

Sometimes the little things and the understanding of someone so well can just kill you.

Oh by the way I am selling these shoes for $25 - $50, tag.text/call/msn me if you are interested!

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